Our Services

Shortlet, Rent & Buy Properties

Find your ideal property on Okkupy. Over 100 listings await that meet your needs and budget.

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Property Listings

List your property on Okkupy and reach potential clients who are actively searching for properties like yours. Save time and attract ideal clients for your property.

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Property Verification

Let us help you avoid costly mistakes in real estate transactions. Our property verification services include title searches, lien checks, and property condition assessments.

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Property Valuation

Let our expert appraisers determine the precise value of our your property. We use current market trends and best practices to deliver reliable valuations.

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Our Surveyors offer precise measurements and boundary definitions. We tailor our services to your needs.

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Let us guide you through the complexities of the real estate market. We offer tailored advice and support.

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Property Management

Enjoy stress-free rental ownership with professional property management. Handle investments efficiently in today’s competitive market.

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Our mortgage team is here to assist you in securing the ideal home loan. We'll support you from pre-approval to closing.

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